================Our Recommendation================

A contemporary mystical Islamic philosopher offers clarification about common misconceptions of the Islamic concept of God.

Hulusi is an Islamic scholar whose writings mirror the mystical dimension of Islam known as Sufism, made well known in the U.S. through translations of the Sufi poet-theologian Rumi. But many who read the English translations of Rumi fail to realize the complexity of the system of spiritual thinking that Sufism represents. Hulusi explicates one of the most difficult concepts in mystical Islam--the notion that "Allah," commonly misunderstood in the West and even in parts of the Muslim world as "God," encompasses more than the word "God" can illuminate. Drawing upon his interpretations of the Quran, Islam's most sacred scripture, Hulusi claims that nowhere in Muhammad's transmission of the Quran is there the assertion that Allah is a god. Instead, Hulusi writes that Allah is "an infinite, unlimited, whole One, in which case...there is nothing in existence other than Him." The consequences of this assertion are that individual lives are fated by Allah, predestined to heaven or hell after physical death. The point of religion, writes the author, is to gain nondualistic awareness of Allah, which is realized through essential self-knowledge and the rejection of illusionary dualities in daily life. The author relies on short paragraphs to frame his beliefs and uses abstract language to describe consciousness, but the gist of these abstruse ideas is helpfully noted in bold throughout the book. One can only imagine the difficulty translator Atalay faced in converting the author's esoteric Turkish style into readable English. Yet it does read clearly as a kind of Sufi manifesto of faith. Get the Book NOW


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Islamic Gifts of Prayer Mats

A Muslim cannot deny the importance of praying or 'Salat' in his life; that makes prayer mats a significant feature of every Muslim household. They make ideal gifts for various occasions; they are not only useful but also have a spiritual implication. If you wish to advice someone to become regular in his prayers, then, choosing from a variety of prayer mats and presenting him with one will say it all. This is an ideal present for children as soon as they turn seven. Their personal mat will make them proud of their possession and motivate them to use it rightfully.
When family or friends move into a new house, prayer mats can be the most appropriate gifts. Praying on them will ensure that the family will live in peace and tranquility with the Grace of Allah. For such times you can select rug like prayer mats that are woven in dark and rich colors; they might be a little expensive but the occasion demands generosity on your side.
Muslim pilgrims returning from Hajj or Umrah too distribute prayer mats along with other souvenirs from the Holy Land. They can purchase them from the Holy cities of Mecca or Medina but that is a costly process and then the air freight weight limitations restrict them from bringing the gift for every one. A workable solution is to buy as many prayer rugs as they need from their own home town; only they must choose ones of superior quality and manufactured in countries that supply to the rest of the world.
If some friends or relatives, especially female ones plan to meditate in seclusion, that is, sit in 'Aitakaf' during the month of Ramadan, again prayer mats will prove to be a beneficial and handy gift. As Muslim females are required to meditate at home only, they can choose an isolated corner or room of the house, spread out their mats and connect with Allah. They can recite the holy Quran while sitting there and when too tired can even lie down and rest.
Prayer mats can be given to sons and nephews going abroad to Non-Muslim societies; there they might have to live in a locality without a masjid nearby. A rug like mat will serve well there as it will be durable and last the individual's entire stay. If they are not sure of their room's cleanliness they can spread out the mat and pray and later roll it and let it stand in a corner when it is not being used.
Sohail Khan works for Islamic Impressions which specializes in retail and wholesale products for the Islamic market and stocks a wide range of stylish Islamic goods made to supreme quality standards including beautiful prayer mats.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sohail_Khan

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