================Our Recommendation================

A contemporary mystical Islamic philosopher offers clarification about common misconceptions of the Islamic concept of God.

Hulusi is an Islamic scholar whose writings mirror the mystical dimension of Islam known as Sufism, made well known in the U.S. through translations of the Sufi poet-theologian Rumi. But many who read the English translations of Rumi fail to realize the complexity of the system of spiritual thinking that Sufism represents. Hulusi explicates one of the most difficult concepts in mystical Islam--the notion that "Allah," commonly misunderstood in the West and even in parts of the Muslim world as "God," encompasses more than the word "God" can illuminate. Drawing upon his interpretations of the Quran, Islam's most sacred scripture, Hulusi claims that nowhere in Muhammad's transmission of the Quran is there the assertion that Allah is a god. Instead, Hulusi writes that Allah is "an infinite, unlimited, whole One, in which case...there is nothing in existence other than Him." The consequences of this assertion are that individual lives are fated by Allah, predestined to heaven or hell after physical death. The point of religion, writes the author, is to gain nondualistic awareness of Allah, which is realized through essential self-knowledge and the rejection of illusionary dualities in daily life. The author relies on short paragraphs to frame his beliefs and uses abstract language to describe consciousness, but the gist of these abstruse ideas is helpfully noted in bold throughout the book. One can only imagine the difficulty translator Atalay faced in converting the author's esoteric Turkish style into readable English. Yet it does read clearly as a kind of Sufi manifesto of faith. Get the Book NOW


Friday, November 8, 2013

Is It Worth Buying Affiliate Software?

Many of us dream of giving up our jobs and working for ourselves. Being your own boss can provide the responsibility level you want as well as the incentive to perform well. Running your own business usually mean lots of hard work but the rewards can be quite tremendous.

When it comes to starting a business, many people get scared. They worry about loosing that security that their job has provided. They also worry about the risk involved in starting your own business. The risk is worth considering being that anywhere from 70-90 % of all small businesses fail in the first year.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to work for yourself with minimal risk. When you work as an affiliate you usually sell a range of goods or services for profit. You will still have to work very hard to promote your business; however the financial risk to you is extremely low.

Many who have started their affiliate marketing businesses wonder about affiliate Software. They wonder if it is worth purchasing and what it can do for their particular business. The answer to theses questions lies entirely in the individual affiliate and the type of business that they have. However, there are some general things to try and consider before you shell out hundreds of dollars on affiliate software.
affiliate marketing programs,affiliate marketing tips

Before buying any software program, you need to apply some perspective. Software will not take a floundering company and get it into fortune 500. It is simply a tool to help you in various aspects of running a business. You will still have to do all of the hard work. The software will only help.

Once you have some perspective, then you need to list your companies needs. How are you at keeping accounts? Could you do better with software? Many people do purchase software to manage accounts for them. Especially when their businesses start to take off. Chances are you can do just as good of a job on your own but software will make it go much faster. You must keep in mind however, that software does take time to learn. However, once you have mastered it accounting software can help you keep track of your incoming money and outgoing at a much faster rate than if you were to do it yourself.

If you have a home based affiliate marketing business that is entirely internet based, you may want to consider website building software. Again, you may be able to do just as good of a job on your own. However, if you can’t this software can help. It will offer suggestions on how to make your pages more attractive and how to attract more internet traffic to your site. This can all translate into more sales or Ad revenue for you.

You should never purchase any software without previewing it first. This way you can tell if this particular style of software is what you need. Most places will give you a free trail, if not find someone who will. You could also find free software that you can download from the internet. It takes little time to put this onto your computer. It is certainly worth at least trying the free software. It doesn’t cost anything and could save you money if it does what you need it to do. If it doesn’t then you can always have it removed and purchase what you need.

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